Creating a Pebble Tray

Tuesday February 14, 2017

So, you’ve watered, fed and pruned your houseplants with loving care, and they still look like they’re struggling? An often-overlooked aspect of indoor gardening is humidity. Most houseplants are native to a wet, tropical climate and they need moisture in the atmosphere to really thrive. This is a challenge for us Mile High gardeners, because Denver has one of the most arid climates in the country. With well under 60% humidity year-round, Las Vegas and Phoenix are the only other major cities with drier weather.

But there is a easy solution for your humidity-loving houseplants. A pebble tray, placed underneath the houseplant’s pot can create a humid micro-climate right on your counter top.

1. Pick out a large saucer or tray

Choose a tray that is much bigger than your houseplant’s pot. Picture a column rising straight up from the edge of the tray. Ideally, the leaf span should fit inside this column. 2. Fill the saucer with pebbles You can use pebbles, decorative beads or river rocks. You can also use a second smaller saucer turned upside down in the middle of the larger tray.

2. Fill the saucer with about 1/2” of water

Use just enough water to fill the tray, but not go over the pebbles.

3. place your plant in the saucer.

The pebbles will keep the base of the pot above the water level and as the water evaporates, it creates a bubble of humidity around the plants. Check your pebble tray often and refill it once the water completely evaporates.

Many houseplants can benefit from higher humidity. Some of the most common ones are listed below: