Perennials are the cornerstones of our garden borders, providing vibrant flowers year after year.
Plants that live for more than two years are known as perennials; their Latin name means "through the years." They bloom generally in the spring, summer, or fall, with a few blooming in the winter, and many have lovely foliage as well. Herbaceous perennials are those that die back to the ground in the autumn and sprout in the spring. Some, on the other hand, are evergreen and keep their leaves throughout the year.
There are perennials for every style of garden, for any aspect or soil type, and they come in a variety of sizes, from small plants for the front of a border to medium-sized plants for the center.
Perennials come in a variety of sizes and shapes, ranging from low-growing plants for the front of a border to medium-sized plants for the middle, and giants a couple of meters tall for the back. They take swiftly to establish and expand, with most plants reaching full size in just a few growing seasons. Many perennials make great cut flowers, and the more compact species are ideal for container gardening. The blossoms on the majority of them are particularly attractive to pollinators.
With over 30 years experience dealing with the unique challenges that Colorado's climate poses, we have all the perennials that thrive here in the Rocky Mountain region. Here are just a few of the hundreds of Rocky Mountain Perennials you can find at all three O'Toole's Garden Center locations.